fore we even get started, let me just make my stance clear – I am not anti-pacifier! Let’s be honest, how can any mother be completely anti-pacifier when this may be the only thing that saves your sanity during a wave of baby tears and emotions. Maybe your baby became...
Are you familiar with the story of Catherine O’Leary and her cow? If not, then it is about a story which had been published in the Chicago Tribune in 1871 which alleged that a cow owned by Catherine O’Leary was the cause of the great Chicago Fire. Apparently, the cow...
“98 percent of children are completely daytime independent by age 4” (NY Times, 1999). As a parent and toilet training coach, I know that deep inside you’re probably housing a thought that could completely sabotage your attempts at potty training your child. Thoughts...
Many of my clients are aware that I offer craniosacral therapy for babies as well as their parents. I have also added craniosacral therapy as part of my service offering when doing the home visit on the first night. And the results can be seen as the children settle...
No. You can’t. Let’s be straight, the answer is a huge NO. Sorry to be blunt but that is the answer. As we move along we can go into more details, but I just thought I’d put the answer out there for those who simply wanted a simple yes or no answer. So, here’s why I...