Answering all your important sleep learning questions
What is the best age to start sleep training?
You can start creating good sleep associations from the moment your child is born and this will help them sleep better during times when they find it difficult later on.
When it comes to deciding on sleep training, this should be based on your parental instincts as you know what works best for you and your child and the family as a whole. So, if you see that your child’s sleep struggles are at the point that they are affecting people resting at home, your child is super fussy or has low food intake during the day and you are ready to take action, then you know this is the right time to start your sleep training journey
Why are my baby’s naps so short?
When you are dealing with a newborn, there is usually more than 1 reason why your baby won’t sleep for long periods of time. These include hunger, being under-tired, being overtired or over-stimulated, too long or too short wake times, the sleep environment is not conducive to sleep, and your child needs help to get to sleep and stay asleep. In addition, neurological issues could also be the reason.
Please remember that newborn naps of 20-45 minutes are considered normal.
Do you teach the “Cry-it-out” method?
No, we do not subscribe to the method of “Cry-it-Out” as it does not align with our values.
Crying it out involves you putting your child in their crib awake and then leaving them to cry themselves to sleep without the parent going in and reassuring your child.
Instead, we use a proven, behaviour-based program that has been tried and tested by so many families as well as by sleep consultants ourselves.
My child is with another caregiver/ attends childcare. Can the program still work if parents are not main caregivers?
Yes, definitely. Helping your little one sleep better is a joint effort by all carers. By helping your child develop the important sleep skills to sleep independently, you help them sleep better under any circumstance and by different caregivers at home. The key to ensuring it is a success while they attend childcare is to be open and communicate with your childcare provider and ensure that your child’s routine remains consistent, both at home and while they are at childcare.
Can we co-sleep on the same bed and sleep train?
Co-sleeping refers to sharing a bed with your baby and is often confused with room sharing (see below).
According to the American Academy of Paediatrics and their safe sleep guidelines, we do not work with families who practice bed-sharing as it is unsafe.
In addition, when you bed-share, you are not allowing your child to develop the skills to be independent enough to sleep well and learn to self-soothe.
Can we share a bedroom while sleep training?
Yes, you can, and we recommend you do it for at least the first 6 months to reduce the risk of SIDS. Space constraints are also another consideration in Singapore especially if you have multiple kids.
Do formula-fed babies sleep better than breastfed babies?
This is a very common myth when it comes to baby sleep, and the answer is no.
A baby who is well-fed, whether with formula or breast milk, can learn the necessary needed to be able to sleep independently and get back to sleep independently.
In addition, we are not as concerned as what you feed your baby, but instead that your child is getting the nourishment they need to flourish!
Will my child cry during sleep training?
This is one of the most asked questions from parents. And yes, there will be some level of crying because of the change of habit.
Unfortunately, there is no magic that can prevent this from happening, but with our program and if implemented correctly with commitment, crying will be kept to a minimum.
We need to remember that children are little personalities and when things don’t go their way, they will let you know in no uncertain terms. And because they haven’t yet mastered the art of communicating effectively, crying is the only way they know how to get their message across.
But rest assured, we will never let you leave your child to cry through the process. We encourage you to support them and reassure them that you are still there for them.
And best of all, as the program runs its course, you will see the tears getting less and the laughs getting more!
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