Potty Training
How to Say Good-bye to Diapers Forever

Go Diaperless for Good
- Save up to $80/month by not having to buy expensive diapers
- Run your errands and not have to carry a heavy diaper bag
- Help your child build their confidence
- Get your child ready for daycare or kindergarten
- Send your child on a sleepover without the fear of accidents
- Be able to use a public restroom and not look for a changing table
- Help your child get out of diapers (The coach sessions are for you!)
EC is a gentle, non-coercive method of potty training from birth. It is what parents were doing for 100,000 years pre-diapers, and is based upon responding to the signals of babies, much like heeding their requests when hungry or sleepy. Certainly a worthy conversation – here’s to the possibility of diaper independence! The benefits of Elimination Communication include reducing your dependence on diapers, saving you money and reducing the environmental impact of diapers, reducing the frequency of diaper rash, enhancing your connection with your baby and having an easier time transitioning to the potty full-time in the future.
You will learn:
- The 4 roads to potty time, how to know when your baby needs to “go”
- How to integrate EC into your baby-care routine
- How to start at different ages (newborn, crawling or walking)
- How to potty your baby, and where
- How to effectively use a diaper as a back-up
- How EC can work for your family, full-time or part-time
For 18 months and above:
You will come away with tools, tips and techniques that will help you reach your potty-training goals with confidence and ease.
And discover how to:
– Get your children out of diapers without rewards or bribes
– Give your children the tools they need to work towards potty independence
– Tips for potty training two or more children at the same time
– Overcome common potty training problems
– Work with your daycare for potty training success
– How to approach nap and nighttime training
Group setting
Elimination Communication & Toilet Training
Elimination Communication, or Infant Potty Training, is the natural alternative to full-time diapering and eventual toddler toilet training. More than half the world’s children are potty independent by 1 year old. So can your child! Think about all the cultures who do not have access to diapers… Babies are born signaling their needs. We are here to help you free from the full-time dependence upon diapers.
Potty Training Support
You will get away with tools, tips and techniques that will help you reach your potty-training goals with confidence and ease.
Facebook Potty Community
Q&A Sessions
Tools & Resources to Get Started
Discounted Group Coaching Sessions to Members
Online talk for beginners
90 Minute Potty Beginner Education
Free resources
“Angela was a great help when I needed …she was patient and encouraging during difficult times. “
Mother Atikah and baby Hana

Your Diaperless Future is Waiting.

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Go Diaper Free
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my toddler is ready?
If you’ve been reading dozens of websites or spoken to family and friends and got conflicting advice, you may think your toddler isn’t ready because she’s not showing any, all, or some of the signs. But, if she’s walking confidently & can follow simple instructions then the likelihood is she’s ready! This could be much earlier than the age we normally expect them to be – as early as 16 months.
Did they ever go through a phase of strongly resisting a diaper change? Have you thought this could’ve been their way of saying they were done with diapers…?
If you’re still unsure, get in touch and I can point you in the right direction.
My baby is under 18 months, can I still potty train?
Absolutely. Children in many parts of the world are still potty trained at 12 months or thereabouts. Your toddler will need more help with the process, so I recommend using a flexible approach: a mix of potty training and elimination communication. So parental input & responsibility is greater at this age, but independence and reliable dryness is achieved much earlier.
Won’t it be harder to potty train “early?”
Research shows it takes the same time whether you start at 18, 24 or 36 months – the time it takes is related to your toddlers temperament, not his age. However the incidence of accidents, wetting, soiling and withholding do increase significantly after 36 months.
If you potty train at 18 months or earlier, your toddler will need more assistance from you for a little longer, but they will be independent much sooner. And most toddlers will need help wiping until they are close to 4!
Isn’t it gentler to let them potty train themselves?
There are two common risks and issues with letting children do it themselves. The first is that the age range at which they usually do it varies from 3.5 – 5 years and the risk of UTIs, constipation & wetting greatly increases as children get older. The second is the risk of feeling shame. Even if parents are extra careful not to shame a 4 year old still in nappies, they are likely to notice that other children use the toilet and feel ashamed that they need their nappy changed. Besides, we decided to put them in diapers so I firmly believe we should help them out of diapers.