+65 9795 7367 (WhatsApp Only) angela@upchild.sg

Sleep Consulting

Building Healthy Sleep Skills from Birth Through 6 Years Old

Our Approach

Not getting good answers from your pediatrician about sleep?

Is your little one only getting 4 – 5 hours of sleep a night?

The Sleep Sense™ Method was created out of a strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.

When parents entrust me as their child’s “sleep guide” during one-to-one or group consultation, they are placing a great deal of trust in me, and I want to let you know that I take this responsibility very seriously.

While most books and programs dealing with child sleep issues take philosophical stands (based largely around the issue of “crying it out”), we believe that your child’s sleep is more important than my personal views on this subject. That’s why the Sleep Sense™ Method places so much emphasis on accommodating different parenting styles. The bottom line is that you, as a parent, need to be comfortable with your new sleep plan in order for it to work for your child!

My approach to improving your child’s sleep is pretty simple:


We don’t practice just one approach to sleep training. We take the time and care to understand your child and assess their needs, building a sleep schedule that works for your family.


Every family has an entirely different dynamic, with entirely different needs, styles, approaches, and desires. We build programs that fit into your lifestyle, not the other way around. The plan is easy to follow and step by step.


We’ve been in your shoes. We approach you and your family with zero judgment and we understand investing in support from a professional is a big decision.


We’ve helped hundreds of families in Singapore where UpChild is based and around the world. Through our private sleep coaching and consultations, we solve you sleep struggles for good. We bring a wealth of knowledge, education and experience. 

…because sleep matters, and it’s time you and your little one got some.

Sleep Coaching

One-on-One or Group setting

Many parents today are feeling exhausted. Their world is in chaos as it feels like their life is spiraling out of control just because their child is not sleeping well. As a sleep consultant, having served hundreds of parents, I know exactly what you are going through. I also know it doesn’t have to be that way.       

In just 14 days, I guide parents to establish good sleep habits for their children so everyone is at their best.

Sleep Consultation Packages

Our packages are tailored to your support and coaching needs. We meet you where you are on your journey to sleep and correct your challenges to restore rest in your home.

Lights Out


Preliminary Discovery Call

Sleep Assessment

Digital Sleep Log

Sleep guidelines

60 Minute Consultation

1 week of Private Coaching

Sweet Dreams


Preliminary Discovery Call

Sleep Assessment

Preparation Work

Written Sleep Program

Digital Sleep Log

90 Minute Consultation

2 Weeks of Private Coaching

(unlimited calls/Emails/Text)

Graduation Call

2 additional weeks of Q&A

Nighty Night


Preliminary Discovery Call

Sleep Assessment

Written Sleep Program

Preparation Work

Digital Sleep Log

90 Minute Consultation

3 Weeks of Private Coaching

4 Hours In-Home Bedtime Support

BCST Well Baby Check  

Weekends and extended Support

Graduation Call 

2 additional weeks of Q&A

Optional Add-On Services

Mini-Sessions & Refresher Calls

Sleep Mini-Session


Sleep Intake Form

45 Minute Consultation + 1 check-in call in 7 days

Past Client Refresher Call


Sleep Intake Form

45 Minute Consultation

Sleep Education (NEWBORN) 


  • Newborn E-book
  • 45-min Group Education Talk
  • 2 scheduled one-on-one calls (15 min) before 12 weeks old
  • Digital Sleep Tracker
  • Keep the Sleep Resources 


Getting Started

Preliminary Discovery Call

During our initial call, we will review your sleep struggles and discuss your goals, setting expectations from the start.

Sleep Consultation

We will schedule our sleep consultation and review the customized training program and how to implement.

Coaching & Support

During our time together, I will be supporting you daily, through your transformation to more sleep.

Sleep Consultation on Local News 8World

“Angela is our sleep angel. It has completely transformed our household.”

Gina & 10 Month old James

Better Sleep is Waiting for You.

Schedule a Call

Get a Customized Sleep Plan

Sleep Better & Be Happier