Ah, toddlers! Those adorable little humans with minds of their own, boundless curiosity, and an uncanny ability to stretch bedtime to its absolute limit. If you’ve ever found yourself negotiating with a tiny tyrant over an extra story, a glass of water, or a...
As a parent, it can be frustrating when your once great sleeper suddenly starts waking up at night, fighting bedtime, or experiencing other sleep disruptions. This change in sleep patterns is often referred to as toddler sleep regression. But why does it happen, and...
Dropping your baby off at daycare for the first time can be a whirlwind of emotions. Will they be happy? Will they make friends? And, most importantly for many sleep-deprived parents, will they nap?! While daycare can be amazing for socialising and development, it can...
If you’re thinking about hiring a sleep consultant, you’ve probably already done some research on sleep training. To be honest, you’ve likely browsed through countless websites searching for the magic solution to help your little one sleep through the night. During...
Parenting a light sleeper can be a trying journey for many. The delicate balance of ensuring your baby gets sufficient sleep while coping with their frequent night awakenings can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. Understanding the nature of light sleep in...
I hate generalising, but in my vast experience as a sleep consultant, there is often one parent who handles most of the night-time responsibilities… and often that person is Mom. Now, before jumping down my throat labelling me as sexist or promoting stereotyping, I...