+65 9795 7367 (WhatsApp Only) angela@upchild.sg
Sleep training your little one can sometimes feel like decoding a mystery, especially when you spot them in seemingly awkward sleep positions on the baby monitor. As parents, it sparks the inevitable question: should I step in or let them figure it out?

Take a moment and picture this: your baby, accustomed to the gentle sway of being rocked to sleep or the comfort of nursing in your arms, suddenly finds themselves in the crib, attempting to master the art of slumber without those familiar cues. It’s a learning curve for them, and it can lead to some entertaining sleep acrobatics.

Before diving into a structured sleep routine, babies are cradled in a specific way until they fall asleep, and then they wake up in their crib, ready to explore. As they navigate this new sleeping space, you might catch them in amusing positions – from sitting up to even nodding off on their tiny feet.

Safety is, of course, our number one priority. So, if your baby somehow manages to land in a position that raises safety concerns, it’s essential to step in. But here lies the conundrum: won’t adjusting their position disrupt the entire sleep routine?

Finding the right response involves striking a delicate balance. Yes, correcting their position might lead to a brief awakening and a desire for interaction. However, if you gently reassure them that it’s bedtime and promptly exit the room, chances are they’ll find their way back to sleep sooner than you think.

Now, let’s talk about those times when your baby seems to have wedged themselves into a corner of the crib. What might look uncomfortable to us could be their preferred cozy spot. Babies, it turns out, like sleeping against something – maybe for a sense of security or the feeling of being close to someone.

So, if your little one happens to snuggle into the corner or press against the crib’s side, it’s usually okay to let them be. Safety remains a priority, though. If a limb is stuck between the crib bars or their position seems tricky for breathing, a quick and quiet repositioning is in order.

So, there you have it – how to handle your little one’s nighttime acrobatics. Unfortunately, when it comes to your partner’s sleep acrobatics – well, that’s a solo adventure you’ll have to conquer!