+65 9795 7367 (WhatsApp Only) angela@upchild.sg

If you’re thinking about hiring a sleep consultant, you’ve probably already done some research on sleep training. To be honest, you’ve likely browsed through countless websites searching for the magic solution to help your little one sleep through the night. During your search, you’ve probably come across success stories of babies who quickly adjusted to sleeping 11-12 hours a night without a fuss.

Encouraged by these stories, you followed all the recommended steps, but here you are, a week and a half later, still dealing with a baby waking up five or six times a night. So, what’s going wrong?

The reality is, you might not be doing anything wrong at all. Some babies simply take longer to develop good sleep habits. Factors like strong sleep associations with certain props, significant sleep debt, or a baby’s unique temperament can all play a role in how quickly they adapt to new routines. Every baby is different, and that’s perfectly normal. Just like milestones such as crawling, talking, and teething, some kids master sleep quickly, while others take a bit longer.

If you’ve chosen a sleep training method, my advice is to stick with it and take a break from reading too many success stories online. Too much information can make you second-guess yourself, and switching strategies too soon can disrupt your baby’s progress. Consistency is key in sleep training.

I often suggest parents keep a journal or make notes on their phone to track their baby’s sleep training journey. It’s easy to forget the small improvements when you’re eager for that breakthrough night of uninterrupted sleep. A journal can help you see the progress, however small, and remind you of the positive changes. Celebrating these small victories can provide the motivation you need to stay committed, even when progress seems slow.

However, this doesn’t mean everything is perfect and you’re doing everything right. Sometimes, there might be adjustments needed. If you suspect that something isn’t working, take a closer look at your bedtime routine. What is the last thing you do before putting your baby to bed? Does it involve them getting drowsy or almost asleep before you place them in the crib?

This might work for some babies, but if yours is still having trouble sleeping through the night, consider changing this part of the routine. Some babies need to learn to fall asleep completely on their own. If this sounds like your situation, try to keep your baby fully awake during the bedtime routine and put them in the crib before they get drowsy. This might seem counterintuitive, but it can help them learn to transition from being fully awake to asleep on their own.

After a few nights of this new approach, you should see some improvement. If not, don’t lose hope! Babies naturally want to sleep, and if yours isn’t sleeping well, there’s a reason. Let’s find it together. Contact me for a free consultation, and we can discuss your baby’s sleep challenges in more detail.