The Sleep Environment & Napping at Childcare Through my years as a sleep consultant, the age group I usually notice sleep difficulties in the form of short naps, are infants attending childcare. The biggest cause of the poor daytime napping for these infants is...
Many of my clients are aware that I offer craniosacral therapy for babies as well as their parents. I have also added craniosacral therapy as part of my service offering when doing the home visit on the first night. And the results can be seen as the children settle...
A very common hurdle faced by my clients is what they should do on the sleep training before they send their kids off to childcare. This concern from clients come from both those who’ve already managed to get their child on a carefully planned nap schedule as well as...
The greatest threat to your child’s sleep and the archenemy of sleep training is overtiredness!!! Just as we have a natural rhythm with sleep, so do children. Our bodies are amazing machines that have hormones to make sure we’re performing during the day and then...