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Sign language is a prevalent technique often recommended for children who have yet to develop their speech but possess a strong urge to communicate. At UpChild, we’re dedicated to providing classes that equip parents with the invaluable tool of sign language, enabling pre-verbal communication with their precious infants and toddlers.

In this blog, we’ll be debunking the most common myths related to Baby Signs Language.

Myth 1: Sign Language Hinders Speech Development 

There’s a widespread belief that introducing sign language to children might hinder their speech progress. This misconception arises from the mistaken notion that sign language replaces spoken communication. However, this is far from being accurate. When using sign language, parents consistently reinforce spoken words, helping babies establish connections between signs and words. Far from impeding speech, sign language actually enhances oral communication skills. Research indicates that it can even accelerate babies’ overall language development.

Myth 2: Baby Sign Language is a Passing Trend 

Although baby sign language has recently surged in popularity, its roots stretch back nearly a century. Contrary to being a fleeting trend, it has stood the test of time. Speech therapists have been incorporating sign language into their practice for years, and generations of children born to deaf parents have attested to its success. The longevity of baby sign language demonstrates its enduring relevance.

Myth 3: Educators Disapprove of Baby Sign Language 

Contemporary early childhood development institutions are increasingly embracing sign language as an integral part of their curriculum. Many educators, well-versed in the nuances of language acquisition, consider sign language paramount for optimal early childhood education and growth. The cognitive and developmental advantages are manifold, and sign language often acts as a bridge between different languages, enhancing language skills.

Myth 4: Teaching Sign Language is Time-Consuming 

Contrary to the belief that teaching baby sign language requires dedicated time slots, it seamlessly integrates into existing daily routines. Parents need not carve out specific “signing lesson time”; rather, they incorporate signs into everyday activities. Bedtime stories, mealtime, and bath routines become opportunities for meaningful communication. Babies, like little sponges, absorb these gestures effortlessly, resulting in swift progress with minimal additional effort.

Myth 5: Pushing Babies Too Hard 

Sceptics might argue that teaching babies sign language imposes an unnatural skill upon them. This perception draws parallels to attempting to teach infants complex mathematical concepts. However, babies innately employ gestures to convey their needs. Simple gestures, such as raising their arms to be picked up, are instinctive. Introducing sign language taps into this inherent capability. Babies often surpass expectations, astonishing parents with their capacity for learning and comprehension.

Myth 6: Confusing Babies with Sign Language 

It’s understandable to worry that babies might not grasp the meaning behind signs initially. Indeed, in the early stages, babies might not fully comprehend what parents are conveying through signs or speech. Nevertheless, as parents persist in their efforts, comprehension gradually takes root. Just as babies learn to speak, they learn to sign, albeit with motor skills that develop earlier. As we previously discussed, they ultimately acquire oral skills and become chatterboxes!

Now that we’ve debunked these common myths around Baby Sign Language, let’s have a quick look at the benefits.

Benefits of Baby Sign Language:

Early Communication:

Empowering babies to express themselves before they can speak.

Reduced Frustration: 

Diminishing frustration by enabling effective communication between parents and infants.

Early Language Usage: 

Facilitating language skills before verbal communication fully develops.

Brain Development: 

Contributing to cognitive growth and brain development.

Closer Bond: 

Fostering a stronger emotional connection between parents and babies.

Increased Self-Confidence: 

Boosting infants’ self-assurance as they successfully convey their needs.

For a deeper dive into the world of baby sign language and the courses that are available, check out this link!