+65 9795 7367 (WhatsApp Only) angela@upchild.sg

Have you ever noticed how your little one’s sleep patterns suddenly change overnight?

It’s like they’ve entered a whole new world of sleep struggles and restlessness, leaving you confused and tired.
It could be your child going through a “Developmental Leaps”

Developmental leaps refer to significant cognitive, physical, and emotional advancements that occur in a child’s early years. These leaps enable them to acquire new skills, explore their environment, and make sense of the world around them. However, these leaps often come with some side effects, and one of the most common ones is disrupted sleep.
During these developmental leaps, your child’s brain is going through rapid changes and rewiring, which can affect their sleep patterns. They may become more active, easily stimulated, and even experience vivid dreams or nightmares. This newfound mental and physical energy can make it challenging for them to settle down and fall asleep.
Additionally, developmental leaps may bring about increased separation anxiety, as your child becomes more aware of their surroundings and their attachment to you. They may need extra reassurance and comfort during bedtime, leading to frequent night awakenings. It’s their way of seeking closeness and security in this exciting yet overwhelming phase of growth.

So, what should you do?

Here are a few tips:

1️⃣ Stick to a consistent bedtime routine: Establishing a soothing bedtime routine helps signal to your child that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Consistency is key!
2️⃣ Create a calm sleep environment: Ensure the bedroom is quiet, dark, and comfortable. Consider using white noise or a nightlight if it helps soothe your child.
3️⃣ Provide extra comfort and reassurance: During leaps, your child may need more cuddles and attention. Be there for them, offer gentle words, and help them feel secure before sleep.
4️⃣ Be patient and understanding: Remember that developmental leaps are temporary, and it can last from a few days up to two to three weeks. Offer your child love, support, and patience as they navigate through these exciting but sometimes challenging milestones.

Embrace these developmental leaps as signs of growth, even if they disrupt sleep for a while. Remember, it’s a phase that will eventually pass. Your child is evolving, learning, and becoming their amazing selves! And you, as a parent, are there to guide them through every step of the way.

If you’re battling on the sleep front, why not book a free sleep evaluation call so we can discuss yours and your family’s unique sleep needs.